Register for Associate Degree Courses

As an LMRC student, DO NOT register for Associate Degree courses

directly through Regis College.

Summary:  how to register for Associate Degree courses

  1. After you are accepted, the LMRC Enrollment Advisor/Registrar (Katie Klucevsek) lets you know which courses you need to take while you are an LMRC student pursuing your Associate Degree. This comes in the form of an email titled “Academic Plan” and includes a document – your Guidelines for Course Progression Plan.
  2. When registration season is approaching, Katie emails you all the details you need. After you receive your registration email prompt, review all the steps outlined below to ensure a smooth registration process.
    • New students:  the email goes to the personal email LMRC has on file for you
    • Current students:  the email goes to your Regis College email address
  3. You go to the Regis College links she gives you to investigate each course and when it’s offered.
  4. You pick your courses, write down the details and EMAIL THOSE DETAILS TO KATIE. Registration is first-come-first-served.
  5. Katie registers you.

  1. Check your LMRC balance to make sure you are in good financial standing before making your registration request.  Two methods:
  2. Review LMRC’s tuition and fee information
  3. Check your ability to pay for the courses you need to register for.
  4. Review your financial aid, ESPECIALLY if registering for Summer Session or Winter Intersession courses, as typically no payment plans OR federal financial aid are available for these courses. 

    Questions?  Contact the Financial Aid Coordinator at or the Bursar at

Here’s how to check which courses you need while pursuing your Associate’s Degree with LMRC: 

  • New students:  review your Personal Guidelines for Course Progression Plan and talk with Katie (if any questions) 
  • Current students:  review your Personal Guidelines for Course Progression Plan, review your Degree Audit info on the LMRC Student Portal and talk with your faculty Academic Advisor (if any questions) 

As long as you are in good financial standing and have met all the appropriate prerequisite courses, Katie registers you automatically for any course starting with the letters “NU” (Nursing students) and “MR” (Radiography students) – so don’t worry about those.  Any course not starting with those letters, you need to make sure you get registered for and take. Please take note of whether you have met the residency requirement (2 non-nursing or non-radiography courses) completed at Regis College. If not, you will need to complete this prior to entering your final semester.

Exception:  Nursing students – after you complete NU-102, you must decide when to register for NU-404 (Concepts & Challenges for Professional Practice), which is a required non-clinical nursing course traditionally offered in the summer and winter semesters.  You must take NU-404 before starting your fourth and final semester (NU-202). NU 404 registration details are sent separately via email.

If you are interested in reviewing the full curriculum for each program, you can do so at the following links:

At this point, you have checked which courses you need and now have a short list of courses you need to investigate. Here’s how: 

  1. For each course on your list, review the course description in the Regis College Course catalog.
  2. In the catalog, to find a specific course description, you first must choose what SUBJECT it is under.  Here is a quick-reference chart to help you:
Subject Course(s)
Biology (BI)

BI-105 – Anatomy & Physiology I + BI-105XA or BI-105XB – Anatomy & Physiology I Lab

BI-105R – Anatomy & Physiology I review

BI-106 – Anatomy & Physiology II + BI-106XA or BI-106XB – Anatomy & Physiology II Lab

BI-106R – Anatomy & Physiology II review

BI-108 – Microbiology + BI 108XA or BI 108XB – Microbiology Lab

BI-108R – Microbiology review

English (EN)

EN-105 – English I  

EN-106 – English II

Humanities Elective (Radiography students only)

Radiography students only: Please contact Katie for a full list of available courses, as Regis offers many that satisfy this requirement.

Interdepartmental (ID) ID-304 – Ethics  
Mathematics (MA) MA-210 – Statistics 
Psychology (PS) PS-233 – Introduction to Human Development 
Sociology (SO) SO-201 – Introduction to Sociology 

Keep in mind that Nursing and Radiography clinical coursework includes a combination of lectures (class hours), clinical hours and laboratory hours. Full descriptions for these courses can be reviewed at the following links:

At this point, you reviewed the course descriptions and decided which courses you’re missing and would like to register with Katie for.

Now, for each course you want to take, go to the Regis Hub to find out when each is offered: (use your Regis account credentials to login here) 

Be prepared to write down specifics about each course you want to register for and identify both a 1st AND 2nd choice for each – having a 2nd choice is very important, as upperclassmen and students close to graduation have registration priority.   

Caution!  PLEASE keep in mind… 

  • All course offerings are subject to change based on enrollments. The Registrar will be in touch with you if there is a change to a course you’ve requested or have been registered for. 
  • Not all courses are offered every semester.  Only offered courses are listed.  
  • If the course you need has a prerequisite, make sure you’ve taken it already. 
  • Review the course dates to make sure it fits into your life schedule, ESPECIALLY if it’s a science course + a lab — you have to register for both and each meets separately!!  
  • When choosing science courses + labs, be sure that the course section number matches (for example, BI 105-1 should be taken with a lab that ends in the number 1, such as BI 105XA-1 or BI 105XB-1).
  • Review the course’s format/instructional method (listed under “Locations” in the Regis Hub) to make sure it works for you:
    • In-person Lecture/Lab:  mostly held in-person (classroom) at scheduled dates/times/location (Regis in Weston, unless otherwise noted)
    • Zoom Synchronous Lecture/Lab:  held remotely at scheduled dates/times 
    • Asynchronous Lecture/Lab:  fully online and self-directed (no scheduled dates/times but deadlines for assignments/exams/etc. will be set by the course instructor) 
    • Hybrid: a mix of in-person, synchronous and asynchronous instruction

IMPORTANT:  Registration is first-come-first-served.  Once you’ve selected the courses you want to be registered for, here’s how to request Katie register you for them.

  1. Draft an email to Katie Klucevsek at and, in the email message, be certain to include:
    • Your full name
    • For each and every “1st choice” course, include these details: Semester; Course Identifier; Day/Time (for in-person courses).  Include same for each and every “2nd choice” course.

      Sample of how to structure your requests: 
      Your full name
      ID-304-1 Online (1st choice)
      MA-210-4 Online (2nd choice)
      EN-105-1 Meets 9am-3pm (1st choice)
      PS-233-3 Meets 4:30pm-9pm (2nd choice)
  2. Review your email for accuracy and completeness!!  Revise as needed.
  3. Send your email to Katie at
  4. Katie reviews your email and processes your registration request(s).  PLEASE watch your email for any follow-up questions from Katie and respond as soon as possible.

Katie emails you to let you know which courses you got a seat in or got waitlisted for. Note that a large volume of emails is received at the start of registration, so your patience as you await a response is appreciated!

WAITLISTED?  WHAT TO KNOW:  If waitlisted and then a seat opens, you’ll  receive an email notice from the Regis Registrar.  You then have TWO DAYS to claim your seat before it is offered to the next waitlisted student. To claim your seat, contact ASAP after you receive the notice!

Once enrolled in the courses you’ve been registered for, here’s what to do:

  • view your course schedule and related information (dates/times; locations; instructor contact details) at: Please verify that everything looks correct. Email if you have any questions/concerns/changes regarding your schedule.
  • view important dates, including semester dates and add/drop deadlines on the Regis Academic Calendars (refer to the Academic Calendars listed under “Undergraduate” as these dates pertain to LMRC students).

To be sure you have your learning resources – online products and/or paper textbooks — for your first day of class, it is suggested you purchase them well ahead of time.  Here’s two ways to find out what you need to buy:

Most instructors use the Regis College Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) to make available their course content.    

Your Moodle course will be “visible” on your Moodle dashboard on a date the instructor chooses, generally no earlier than two weeks before the course begins. It is good practice to check your Regis College email regularly as well, as instructors and staff will contact you there with any updates.

Log into Moodle using your Regis College user credentials, sent to your personal email by Regis College ITS when you were first accepted.  Need help?  Contact Regis College ITS HelpDesk at 781-768-7177.